La puesta en valor turístico de recursos naturales requiere que se mantenga un delicado equilibrio entre lo económico y lo ambiental. Y quizás no hay muestra más representativa de este fenómeno que las paradisíacas playas de la República Dominicana y su modelo de desarrollo turístico.
How You Can Contribute To The Preservation Of Our Beaches
Holy Week (Semana Santa) is upon us once again, a time when many Dominicans and foreign tourists visit Miches to enjoy and discover the natural wonders that this beautiful municipality has to offer.
Miches works for its cultural and environmental sustainability
This year's efforts to enhance the value of the unique beaches of the municipality of Miches have been an example of integration and empowerment.
We continue to increase our rescue efforts of Miches coasts
Fundación Tropicalia has continued its support, awareness and conservation efforts of the coasts and beaches of Miches with multiple actions, as part of their work of its Environment area.
Easter: Costa Esmeralda prepares to welcome visitors
Fundación Tropicalia, in coordination with local authorities, the Ministry of Environment, the Municipal District of El Cedro and Miches' Government, carried out the Costa Esmeralda Beach Rescue project, one of the programs developed within our area of Environment and whose mission is the maintenance and conservation of the beach, as well as promote compliance with environmental regulations.
Costa Esmeralda Beach Rescue Program
Creating awareness of environmental protection initiatives
January marks the completion of the beach rescue activities at Costa Esmeralda, hosted by Tropicalia and FT. Initiated in June 2013 the project was created to raise awareness on recycling and beach maintenance in the area.
Costa Esmeralda Workshop
In efforts to create environmental awareness and good practices, Fundación Tropicalia hosted a workshop in observance of environmental norms for Tropicalia beach employees.
We continue to increase our rescue efforts of Miches coasts
Fundación Tropicalia has continued its support, awareness and conservation efforts of the coasts and beaches of Miches with multiple actions, as part of their work of its Environment area.
Sustainable tourism to empower communities
"To face the future, in regards to the ocean and as well as around the world, we must aim for sustainable development. Responsible tourism helps empower local communities by creating shared value".