During the month of August, Fundación Tropicalia, with the support of Fundación Orange, hosted the last session of the “I’m a Girl, I Matter” summer camp for the girls of La Gina ages 10-15. As mentioned last month, the camp brings nutrition, self-esteem, sex education, career development and personal growth workshops to 100 girls in a fun, safe and supportive environment. During this last session Katia Núñez, Human Resources Manager for the Cisneros Group in the Dominican Republic, shared her own personal story of how she overcame life’s hurdles to get where she is today. Without a doubt the girls who attended were not only inspired, but also created unforgettable memories.
“I’m a Girl, I'm Important” in La Gina
SNSI News Regarding COVID-19
During these difficult times, as we face the challenges presented by COVID-19, we find ourselves taking additional steps to ensure the well-being of our girls and their families, volunteers, and staff. Given this unfortunate situation, we regret to inform you that our Soy niña, soy importante (I’m a girl, I’m important, or SNSI) summer camp has been postponed until we overcome this health emergency and have more clarity from authorities regarding the current school year, since our activities take place on school grounds.
Addressing a global issue through a local program: A girls camp in the Dominican Republic
As the summer dwindles down and the kids get ready to go back to school, we say good-bye to another wonderful summer and the successful completion of the “Soy Niña, Soy Importante” (SNSI) or “I’m a Girl, I’m Important” summer camp.