We drive impact through strategic partnerships
All of our programs exist because of the partnerships we form. Whether through a community partnership or one established with the private, public, civil society, international or academic sectors, the diversity of Fundación Tropicalia’s alliances allows us to drive innovative, high-impact programs while vying for the effective use of resources.

2015-present. We work together to widen the scope of financial services available to the micro entrepreneurs that are supported by our programs.

Inter-American Development Bank
2012-present. Main advisory and financial entity that supported our program of inclusion of the SMEs into the sustainable supply chain in Miches through the Multilateral Investment Fund (IDB/MIF) and continues its support to Fundación Tropicalia through advisory services on issues of climate-smart agriculture and market access for local producers.

Banco Popular Dominicano
2017-present. Supports and collaborates with Soy niña, soy importante through workshops and donations.

EDUCA (Acción Empresarial por la Educación)
2013-present. We work together to improve public education policy, create brand awareness and drive impact in Miches education programs. Since 2017, Fundación Cisneros has taken on this role and looks after the interests of Miches’ school community.

Fondo para el Desarrollo, Inc. (FONDESA)
2008-2017. Working to democratize access to financial services, diversify banking products and support the inclusion of micro and small enterprises in the tourist and agricultural supply chains.

Junta Agroempresarial Dominicana (JAD)
2015-present. We work to modernize, diversify and make more sustainable the agricultural practices in the Miches community.

Ministry of Education of the Dominican Republic
2010-present. We work to improve the quality of education in the Miches school district.

Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources
2013-present. We collaborate on special projects related to environment, research and education.

Municipality of Miches and municipal districts El Cedro and La Gina
2008-present. We collaborate on special projects related to culture, sports, education and environment.

National Business Network for Environmental Protection (ECORED)
2008-present. We gain access to a private-sector network that increases environmental protection efforts and promotes public-private sector dialogue.

The Ocean Foundation
2015-present. Our fiscal sponsors. We collaborate on special projects to increase our access to funding in the United States.

Universidad Iberoamericana (UNIBE)
2017-present. We collaborate in programs aimed at improving the social development of Miches, including the Playa Arriba Administration Committee, Soy niña, soy importante summer camp, and the recovery efforts after natural disasters.

Universidad ISA (College of Agriculture)
2011-present. We host a scholarship program for Miches students who are interested in agricultural science, science education, business administration, marketing and accounting careers.

World Vision
2012-present. We collaborate on projects that support community development and the protection of children.