Fundación Tropicalia, under the scope of PRyME (School Renovation and Maintenance Program) ended the year by helping La Culebra educational center undergo a physical transformation. Members from El Cedro, La Gina, La Mina and El Guaco communities, along with representatives of Fundación Tropicalia, came together to renovate the school’s building and its surrounding areas. The project took place over an 8 week period where community members renovated classrooms, bathrooms, plumbing systems, gardens and exterior paint. The school’s restoration benefited 130 children and 4 teachers.
December 22, 2012
School Renovation in La Culebra, Miches
Fundación Tropicalia Values International Collaboration to Expand Development Opportunities
At Fundación Tropicalia we are convinced there is extensive value in international collaboration to expand development opportunities for the communities we work with, and for this reason, we approached the Japanese International Cooperation Agency (JICA) to request the assignment of one of their Japanese program volunteers to collaborate with us in Miches (JICA).
Addressing a global issue through a local program: A girls camp in the Dominican Republic
As the summer dwindles down and the kids get ready to go back to school, we say good-bye to another wonderful summer and the successful completion of the “Soy Niña, Soy Importante” (SNSI) or “I’m a Girl, I’m Important” summer camp.