Supporting families after hurricane Fiona
Last September, Hurricane Fiona hit the Dominican Republic and we quickly responded in order to help the community members that were affected by the storm. Today we want to thank the families in Miches who contacted us in order to expedite the distribution of donations we received through Fundación Tropicalia. Also a special thanks to all the people who collaborated in this emergency relief fundraiser. Our commitment to the community grows ever stronger; in times like these we quickly shift gears to refocus efforts in providing relief, however big or small.
“Listen to me, I am the present”
At Soy niña, soy importante we carry out awareness campaigns that entice interest and amplify the reach of important messages. Such is the case of the photographic mural "Listen to me, I am the present", a project that gives a microphone to the girls who participate in our initiative so they can say strong and loud what it means to a girl for them. I am capable. I am brave. I am the present. I am the future. - are just a few power statements that clearly let us know that these young women are ready to make big contributions, and it is up to all of us to support them.
The power of our own words (yes, yours) and own attitudes about girls, and how we influence girls from an early age cannot be underestimated. Find a girl you care about, and remind her that she is special, unique and wonderful in the world. You’ll help forge the woman of tomorrow and help build a more equitable future. Have you told her today?
“Listen to me, I am the present” was launched on the International Day of the Girl on October 11 at Galería 360 in Santo Domingo.
"I am worthy, I love myself and I respect others. No one has the right to make me feel less than I am. I know what my value is and I don't have to do things that make me stray away from that."
The Global Wellness Institute Presents
The story of Soy niña, soy importante forms part of a digital series on wellness presented by the Global Wellness Institute at the "Global Wellness Summit 2022" held in the city of Tel Aviv in Israel from October 31 to November 3.
The mini-documentary, which was produced by BBC StoryWorks, the creative content division of BBC Global News, is part of a series of films that have been produced to disseminate projects that involve integral human health.
The audiovisual that delves into the search for wellness, follows a young girl who has been impacted by our initiative and how it taught her to dream big. Love, protection and support are the pillars of the work we have undertaken so that each girl is seen, respected, listened to and loved!
To see the full film and learn more about the project, visit: www.inpursuitofwellnessseries.com