Did you know the Dominican Republic is the 5th country in Latin America and the Caribbean with the highest teen pregnancy rate? And did you know 44% of teenage school dropouts are a result of early pregnancy? In 2016, more than 790,000 (37%) of Dominican girls were married before reaching the age of 18.
Help Us Change This Reality!
“Soy niña, soy importante” (SNSI) or “I’m a girl, I’m Important” is a summer day-camp that serves girls 9-12 years old, where they are given the guidance and tools they need to be self-reflective, critical thinkers and to make timely life choices, such as staying in school and avoiding unplanned pregnancy.
Our goal this year is to send 300 girls to camp and we can only do it with your help. Invest US$200.00 and change a girl's life. You have the power to help counteract the cycle that keeps her in the grasps of inequality, lack of opportunities and violence.
Visit snsi.fundaciontropicalia.com to donate. Thank you for your invaluable support.