Under the scope of the USAID/REDDOM project for agricultural diversification and food security in Miches, Fundación Tropicalia has taken the final steps to bring this project to a close by working closely with the Agricultural Association of La Esperanza. As a result, La Esperanza has been able to resuscitate a greenhouse that was inactive for the last year and half, and by January, this community of farmers will be sowing the seeds of development, as they once again look to produce the common red bell pepper.
December 21, 2012
Sowing Seeds of Development in La Culebra
The Christmas Hope
Christmas is here and with it comes a time filled with hope, joy and peace. It is a special time of closeness and sharing with friends and family to feed and strengthen the bonds of love and friendship. So these days, we must let ourselves be spread by the feeling of solidarity and understanding, forgiveness, affection and love, especially to those most in need.
Addressing a global issue through a local program: A girls camp in the Dominican Republic
As the summer dwindles down and the kids get ready to go back to school, we say good-bye to another wonderful summer and the successful completion of the “Soy Niña, Soy Importante” (SNSI) or “I’m a Girl, I’m Important” summer camp.