2016 has been a year full of progress and positive news for COOPROMI (Cooperative of production, work and multiple services of Miches). The good news began in March, when President Danilo Medina issued the decree that made it an official association.
In an event with the partners of COOPROMI, we celebrated the achievement of this goal and took the opportunity to register new producers interested in joining the cooperative.
With much effort and dedication, the advances kept coming. Thus, in September, COOPROMI renewed its board of directors. Following a growth and stability management led by Claudio García, Pastor Moses Joseph stepped up to face a new phase of institutional strengthening in which important projects will be implemented.

Continuing with the good news, with the support of the Dominican Agribusiness Board (JAD) and the General Directorate of Cooperation (Digecoom), in November COOPROMI received 10 million pesos from the PRORURAL project funds to finance infrastructure, transport assets and the strengthening of its managerial capacity.
At Fundación Tropicalia, we are very proud to be allies of COOPROMI, the countryside and the productive sectors of the municipality. Getting here and getting national and international institutions to focus in our producers has only been possible by working hard and close. That is also the key to all the efforts that are to come.
COOPROMI was created in 2013 by Fundación Tropicalia, through the program "Inclusion of Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs) in the sustainable tourism supply chain", an initiative supported by the Multilateral Investment Fund of the Inter-American Bank (IDB/MIF), which seeks to incorporate small producers and microentrepreneurs into the tourism value chain; strengthen the productive capacity of the local agricultural sector; and encourage their growth through access to financing and technical assistance.