Luis Camnitzer, Pedagogical Advisor for the Colección Patricia Phelps de Cisneros and Piensa en Arte/Think Art, made his second visit to Miches to meet with teachers from the region. The goal of his visit was to follow-up on the progress teachers have made in implementing Piensa en arte/Think Art in the classroom. The testimonials below reveal the impact of this unique education platform, which focuses on developing problem-solving and higher-order thinking skills in students.“To have a question [or problem] is much easier [...] having a question opens up boundaries. Then, that question can be integrated into the subject you’re going to teach via the curriculum. That´s why I like Think Art, because you can integrate it. Not only to teach an art education class, but also to integrate it into the curriculum so that children receive a more significant learning experience … That’s the best part, the conceptual [...] and that resonates further in the students.”
- Andrea Castillo
8th grade teacher, Escuela La Gina
“My mind is spinning…It´s like I´m having an internal revolution. The Dominican education has to take a turn. How can it improve through the teacher? If the teacher does not lead the revolution and take the revolution to their students to change their mentality, our education will not change. And I’m looking at the words ‘Think Art’, but it could be ‘Think Math’, ‘Think Spanish Language’, ‘Think’ can be in society. In other words, make your students think … Our education has to make a turn because up to these days, we can say that we have students in the classroom that act without thinking. That’s what I’m seeing. Think Art, is not to draw, is not to paint, that´s not the way it works, for me it goes deeper. To think. We must change the way of thinking. And it can be via any of the areas we are integrating. And I believe I’m going that way. ”
- Ana Demetria Burgos
8th grade teacher, Escuela El Cedro