This month, Fundación Tropicalia received great news from the Multilateral Investment Fund (MIF) of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) – our innovative, socio-economic development project which will incorporate local businesses into Tropicalia’s supply chain, received the first of two approvals for funding. Having received “eligibility” status from an IDB commission based in Washington, D.C., technical teams from Fundación Tropicalia and the FOMIN can get to work on designing the minute details of the project and present it for final approval before the year’s end.
Executing Agency: Fundación Tropicalia
Partners: United States Agency for International Development’s (USAID) Rural Economic Development Foundation and the Multilateral Investment Fund (MIF)
Other key players: Tropicalia, Odebrecht, Auberge Resorts, Estancia La Querencia, Universidad Abierta Para Adultos, Fondo para el desarrollo (FONDESA), others.
Project Description: The MIF and Tropicalia seek to devise an inclusive business model and procurement methodology that supports the development of the municipality of Miches as a tourist destination. The MIF and Tropicalia seek to incorporate small farmers, agricultural entrepreneurs and small service providers into Tropicalia’s value/supply chain and that of its development partners, Odebrecht and Auberge Resorts. Examples of small to medium sized enterprises based in Miches that could provide a product or service to Tropicalia and its partners follow: maintenance, cleaning, transportation, tourist guides, artisan crafts, organic produce, flowers and/or other plant life for gardens and décor, among others. The project hopes to create and/or strengthen 30 local enterprises and benefit up to 500 farmers.
About the IDB:
Established in 1959, the IDB is the largest source of development financing for Latin America and the Caribbean, with a strong commitment to achieve measurable results, increased integrity, transparency and accountability. While the IDB functions as a regular bank, it is unique in some key respects. Besides loans, the IDB also provides grants, technical assistance and research. IDB’s shareholders are 48 member countries, including 26 Latin American and Caribbean borrowing members, who have a majority ownership of the IDB. Given the IDB holds a strong financial position and is to borrow in international markets at competitive rates and transfer that benefit to its clients.
About the MIF:
Established in 1993, as part of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) Group, the Multilateral Investment Fund (MIF) was created to develop effective approaches to increase private investment and advance private sector development, improve the business environment and support micro and small enterprises in order to support economic growth and poverty reduction in the region. The MIF finances about 100 projects per year, with a total finance volume of about US$100 million. MIF project benefits reached over 600,000 individuals and businesses in 2010.
A core MIF mission is to act as a development laboratory – experimenting, pioneering, and taking risks in order to build and support successful micro and SME business models.